Data for: "Novel Devices for Evaluating Nanomedicine Biological Fate" [Thesis data]



This dataset relates to the thesis "Novel Devices for Evaluating Nanomedicine Biological Fate". The aim of this thesis was to develop further understanding around the phenomenon of protein corona formation around polymeric nanoparticles - particularly PLGA.

In this dataset, a separate folder corresponds to each chapter. In each chapter-level folder, there is a README.txt, which gives a brief overview of the data in each folder. For the laboratory-based work in Chapter 2, the data is categorised first by analytical technique, then by nominal size of the PLGA nanoparticles used, followed by incubation medium (PBS, FBS) and conditions (time, temperature). RMM as .archy (open with Archimedes V1.21) and .csv files. PTA as a number of video files (.wmv) reports as .pdf or .csv and raw .nta and .nano files (Nanosight NTA software version 3.40). DLS as .xlsx files.

For the computational studies (Chapter 3, 4 and 5), the bulk of the data are files directly from STARCCM+, as .sim files. To open these files you will require both STARCCM+ (version 2206 or later) AND a valid license code. These files are organised by the geometry they are replicating. There is a folder for the CAD files used as input geometries, work done for mesh independence studies and the simulations themselves. Machine Learning was undertaken in Orange Data Mining as .ows and .csv files. Analysis throughout this work has been undertaken in Origin. .opju files are available for each chapter (version 2019b)

This dataset further includes the files and folders from the companion augmented reality app for Android. The .apk requires Android 8.0. Also available as .mp4 and .stl files where the reader cannot or does not wish to install the .apk.
Date made available4 Feb 2025
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production20 Jan 2020 - 29 Feb 2024

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