This dataset is a Microsoft Excel document with four sheets. The first is a ReadMe sheet summarising the dataset structure and data sources. The second sheet contains data on country level income status, CO2 storage indicator and historic oil and gas production for countries signatory to the Paris Agreement. The third sheet contains the results from document analysis to determine CO2 geological storage (CGS) inclusion in decarbonisation pathways outlined in long-term low greenhouse gas emissions development strategies (LT-LEDS) assessing the presence, prevalence and type of CGS, including whether for emissions reduction or removals. The fourth sheet contains results from assessing the commitment CGS in the LT-LEDS reports. The dataset was created for the purpose of analysing how country-level commitment in long term climate strategies interrelates with historic oil and gas production, current economic circumstance and CO2 storage indicators.
Embargo end date 31/01/25