Data for: "Microfluidically produced microcapsules with amphiphilic polymer conetwork shells"



The data set contains AFM images, confocal laser scanning microscopy images, optical microscopy images, scanning electron microscopy images, a transmission electron microscopy image, fluorescence measurements, FTIR spectra, and thermal analysis data (differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis) of the experiments presented and discussed in the Research Article: S. T. R. Velasquez, A. Belluati, E. Tervoort, I. Mattich, B. Hertel, S. Russell, M. G. Gouveia, P. Grysan, C. Mugemana, A. R. Studart, N. Bruns, Microfluidically produced microcapsules with amphiphilic polymer conetwork shells, Adv. Mater. Technol. 2024,

The data has been deposited as text files, png or CSV files of the raw data wherever possible.
Date made available3 Apr 2024
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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