Data for: "Measurement of acetylene concentration in laminar flat-flames by diode laser cavity ring-down spectroscopy"

  • Precious Okwuchi Otti (Creator)
  • Iain Burns (Contributor)



The research data for the paper titled above is contained in two csv files with the titles 'cw-CRDS_Acetylene_mole_fraction_Data' and 'cw-CRDS_Extinction_Coefficient_Data'.

The 'cw-CRDS_Acetylene_mole_fraction_Data' file contains the dataset for mole fractions of acetylene, extracted from continuous-wave cavity ring-down measurements (near 1535 nm) for premixed flat-flames of premixed ethylene and air, with a range of equivalence ratios, as a function of Height above the burner surface (HAB).

The 'cw-CRDS_Extinction_Coefficient_Data' file contains extinction coefficients measured by the continuous-wave cavity ring-down technique (at 1535 nm) for premixed flat-flames of premixed ethylene and air, with a range of equivalence ratios, as a function of Height above the burner surface (HAB).
Date made available22 Jun 2021
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production2 Oct 2017 - 1 Dec 2017

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