Data for: "Martinoid: The Martini Peptoid Force Field"



The contents of the folders are outlined below, for specific information
pertaining to a given files relevance please refer to the README.txt file
within each sub-directory.

The folders are grouped in terms of thier usage within parameterisation

Bonded Term Mapping:
> Additional Residues - MP2/6-31G(d) torsion scans and atomistic term
fitting files for residues NmO, Ns and Nt as well as files for partial
charge fitting following the method outlined in the article available at

> BackboneMapping - all atom (AA) and coarse grained (CG) trajectories
and tools for comparison of BB-BB-BB angle term choice at the CG level.

> MappingTrajectories - all atom (AA) and coarse grained (CG) trajectories
and tools for comparison of BB-BB-BB angle term choice at the CG level for
a variety of peptoid trimers.

> HelicalOptimisation - all atom (AA) and coarse grained (CG) trajectories
and tools for comparison of BB-BB-BB angle and BB-BB-BB-BB dihedral term
choice at the CG level for (Nk-Nfes-Nfes)2 helical fragment.

> SWARMCGOptimisedITPS - optimised *itp structure files for peptoid dimers
as identified by SWARMCG and with which the superimposed parameter sets are

> FinalAssemblyAc-Nf-Nf - assessment of impact of parameter superposition for dimer
Ac-Nf-Nf, trajectories and measurement tools.

Nonbonded Term Mapping:
> AssemblyStudy - single monomer self-assembly study for peptoids to assess
the accuracy of bead type selection for these species by assessing whether
aggregation occurs/does not occur.

> CG_LogD - relevant files for estimating the LogD of various peptoid monomers
to assess whether bead choices were sufficently accurate.

> HPLC_LogD_Data - chromatograms for peptoid monomers onbtained experimentally
using a gradient of H2O : acetonitrile (+ 0.1 % TFA).

> NMRCharacterisation - structural validation of pure peptoid monomer material.

Model Validation Data:
> TrimerAssembly - assembly of Nf-Nke-Nf in form of tape across PBC, this is relevant
for comparison to experimnetal Cryo-TEM measurements.

> FreeAssemblyNf-Nke-Nf - experimnet to illsutrate 2D bilayer like structures are formed
by this trimer, forming the basis for the TrimerAssembly preposition that the nanostriations
seen experimnetally are 'tape-like'

> NanosheetStudy - validation of parameterisation method using peptoid nanosheet forming
oligomers at oil-water interface, validating within a reasonable margin the length of said
oligomers in the assembled state.

Hamish W. A. Swanson (04.12.23)
Date made available30 Jan 2024
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production4 Dec 2023

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