Data for: "InGaN micro-LEDs integrated onto colloidal quantum dot functionalised ultra-thin glass"

  • Katherine Jeanne Rae (Creator)



This data set contains four excel files relating to the graphs in Figure 1, 3, 4 and 5 respectively in the related paper. These are the raw (as measured) data corresponding to these graphs.
Figure_1_dataset.xlsx contains data voltage, current and optical power of the LEDs, as well as spectral data (corresponding to figure 1 d), e) and f) respectively)
Figure_3_dataset.xlsx contains spectral data for the 3 colour-converter samples presented in the paper (Figure 3a)) and optical power characteristics of the samples (figure 3b))
Figure_4_dataset.xlsx contains data on the losses in the samples
Figure_5_dataset.xlsx contains data on the data transmission charactyeristics of the samples (Figure 5c)).
Date made available13 Jun 2017
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production1 Jan 2016 - 1 Apr 2017

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