Data for: "Influence of micro-patterning of the growth template on defect reduction and optical properties of non-polar (11-20) GaN"

  • Jochen Bruckbauer (Creator)
  • Yipin Gong (Contributor)
  • Ling Jiu (Contributor)
  • Michael Wallace (Contributor)
  • Anja Ipsen (Contributor)
  • Sebastian Bauer (Contributor)
  • Raphael Müller (Contributor)
  • Jie Bai (Contributor)
  • Klaus Thonke (Contributor)
  • Tao Wang (Contributor)
  • Carol Trager-Cowan (Supervisor)
  • Robert Martin (Supervisor)



This dataset provides the experimental data used to generate the figures in the paper entitled "Influence of micro-patterning of the growth template on defect reduction and optical properties of non-polar (11-20) GaN".

The cathodoluminescence (CL) data discussed and presented in the paper was recorded using a variable pressure field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM, FEI Quanta 250) which is equipped with a custom-built CL hyperspectral imaging system. The CL system collects the emitted light at an angle of 45° with respect to the incident electron beam using a Cassegrain reflecting objective. The light is then dispersed using a 125 mm focal length spectrograph (Oriel MS125) and detected using an electron-multiplying charge-coupled device (Andor Newton). As the electron beam scans across the sample surface, a whole CL spectrum is recorded per pixel building up the 3D hyperspectral data set. 2D CL images can then be extracted from the hyperspectral data set, such as peak energy, intensity or half width. The room temperature CL measurements were acquired with a beam voltage of 5 kV.

For the variable temperature photoluminescence (PL) measurements the samples were placed inside a liquid helium flow cryostat. A monochromator (SPEX1704) with a 1 m focal length and liquid nitrogen-cooled CCD were used for the detection of the emitted luminescence, which was excited by the 325 nm line of a He-Cd laser.

Abstract of the paper:

We investigate the influence of different types of template micro-patterning on defect reduction and optical properties of non-polar GaN using detailed luminescence studies. Non-polar (11-20) (or a-plane) GaN exhibits a range of different extended defects compared with its more commonly used c-plane counterpart. In order to reduce the number of defects and investigate their impact on luminescence uniformity, non-polar GaN was overgrown on four different GaN microstructures. The micro-patterned structures consist of a regular microrod array; a microrod array where the -c-side of the microrods has been etched to suppress defect generation; etched periodic stripes and finally a subsequent combination of etched stripes and etched microrods (double overgrowth). Overall the presence of extended defects, namely threading dislocations and stacking faults (SFs) is greatly reduced for the two samples containing stripes compared with the two microrod samples. This is evidenced by more uniform emission and reduction in dark regions of non-radiative recombination in room temperature cathodoluminescence imaging as well as a reduction of the SF emission line in low temperature photoluminescence. The observed energy shifts of the GaN near band edge emission are related to anisotropic strain relaxation occurring during the overgrowth on these microstructures. A combination of stripes and microrods is a promising approach for defect reduction and emission uniformity in non-polar GaN for applications in light-emitting devices as well as power electronics.
Date made available24 Sept 2020
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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