Data for "Influence of environmental conditions on the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus in sand"

  • Emmanuel Salifu (Creator)
  • Giuseppe Di Rauso Simone (Creator)
  • Giacomo Russo (Contributor)
  • Maria Rao (Supervisor)
  • Gianfranco Urciuoli (Supervisor)
  • Grainne El Mountassir (Supervisor)



This dataset refers to the data published in "Influence of environmental conditions on the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus in sand".

The following .xls files are included here, a brief description of their contents is given below:
Fig. 1_Sand PSD.xls: Particle size distribution curve for uniformly graded medium sand.
Fig 2a_Experiment 1.xls: Cumulative radius of mycelium growth at different temperatures 3-12 days after inoculation.
Fig. 2b_Experiment 1.xls: Mycelium growth rate for temperatures between 5 – 35°C.
Fig. 2c_Experiment 2.xls: Column plots of average radius of mycelium growth at different degrees of saturation for 4 and 12 days after inoculation (DAI).
Fig. 2d_Experiment 3.xls: Stacked column plots of average radius of mycelium growth at varied amounts of lignocel (LIG) and spent coffee grounds (SCG) observed on the 3rd and 6th day after inoculation (DAI)
Experiment 4 Data.xls: Values of pH, Electrical conductivity, Total nitrogen and total organic carbon, laccase activity, managanese peroxidase activity,basal respiration and ergosterol concentration after 0 (T0), 7 (T1), 14 (T2) and 28days (T3) for Sand (S), Sand & lignocellulose (SL), Sand & P. ostreatus (SP); Sand, lignocellulose & P.ostreatus (SLP) specimens.
Date made available27 Aug 2024
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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