Data for: "Image analysis framework with focus evaluation for in situ characterisation of particle size and shape attributes" (sample)



This dataset contains a set of in-line microscopy images analysed in the manuscript "Image analysis framework with focus evaluation for in situ characterisation of particle size and shape attributes". The Particle Vision and Measurement (PVM) images were captured by the PVM V819 probe for two different materials:
- standard polystyrene microspheres of 150, 300, 400 and 500 microns at solid loadings ranging from 1 to 5 wt.%.
- standard silicon particles of elongated shape of 20x20x160, 20x20x60, and 20x20x20 microns.

The dataset available for download on this site is a sample of the complete dataset containing 100 images for each experimental condition. The complete dataset is freely available. However, due to its size, approximately 28 TB uncompressed, access should be requested using the contact email provided on this page.
Date made available22 Mar 2018
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data productionSept 2016 - Aug 2017

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