Data for: "Highly efficient fullerene and non-fullerene based ternary organic solar cells incorporating a new tetrathiocin-cored semiconductor"

  • Lethy Jagadamma (Creator)
  • Rupert Taylor (Creator)
  • Alexander L. Kanibolotsky (Creator)
  • Muhammad Tariq Sajjad (Creator)
  • Iain Wright (Creator)
  • Peter N. Horton (Creator)
  • Simon J. Coles (Creator)
  • Ifor Samuel (Creator)
  • Peter Skabara (Glasgow University) (Creator)



This dataset contains the primary data including the Microsoft Office Excel, Origin and graphic formats; the NMR data as it was recorded on TopSpin 2.1 software. The latter can be processed on any TopSpin, ACD/Labs or MestReNova software packages.

Data available from Enlighten: Research Data, University of Glasgow
Date made available13 Sept 2019
PublisherUniversity of Glasgow

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