Data from several experiments involving immobilisation of proteins and enzymes on several materials. Characterisation (XPS, NMR) of the different materials when functionalised with coating and protein layers. Enzyme assays.
Sousa, A. (Creator), Lau, K. H. A. (Creator), Halling, P. (Contributor), Li, T. (Data Collector), Varghese, S. (Data Collector) (10 Dec 2018). Data for: "Highly active protein surfaces enabled by plant-based polyphenol coatings". University of Strathclyde. XPS_data(.zip), SEM_pictures_2_(.zip), Porosimetry(.xlsx), NMR_data(.zip), ALL_DATA_for_Phosphatase_Immobilisations_wSurfaceAreas_KHAL(.xlsx), 20180316_EnzymeImmob_v7(.pptx), 20171003_Phosp_diffTA_pH8(.xlsx), 20170317_enzyme_compilation(.xlsx), 20160811_timestorage_day0_Copy(.xlsx). 10.15129/dd9a0723-686f-4212-8255-e5745f10a88e