Data for: "Glutathione Mediates Control of Dual Differential Bio-orthogonal Labelling of Biomolecules"



This is the data deposit for the publication titled "Glutathione Mediates Control of Dual Differential Bio-orthogonal Labelling of Biomolecules"

The data contains characterisation data for synthesised compounds (i.e. NMR, IR, HPLC, HRMS, etc), pdfs of HPLC chromatograms used to monitor the reactions described in the paper as well as a word document describing the synthetical and analytical procedures in more detail. Further details on the dataset can be found in the readme file.

The following software will be needed to view the data:
* A word document viewer to view synthetical and analytical procedures
* Pdf viewer to view HPLC chromatograms
* NMR software to view raw HPLC data although pdfs of processed data are provided
* Image viewer to view IR data
* OriginLab software to open Origin data file which contains the graphs used in the figures of the paper

This datset and the associated paper are part of an ongoing patent application. As such, the access to the data will remain restricted until the patent application is concluded.
Date made available2 Nov 2023
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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