Data points produced for the paper "Gaussian State-Based Quantum Illumination with Simple Detection". The three CSV files include data points produced numerically for Figures 5 and 7 in the paper.
Perr_states.csv is for Figure 5, and plots the error bounds associated with the detection strategy vs the optimal strategy.
PrH1_traj.csv and PrH0_traj.csv plots the trajectories for Figure 7 in the paper.
Yang, H. (Creator), Roga, W. (Contributor), Pritchard, J. (Supervisor), Jeffers, J. (Supervisor) (16 Feb 2021). Data for "Gaussian State-Based Quantum Illumination with Simple Detection". University of Strathclyde. PrH1_traj1(.csv), Perr_states(.csv), PrH0_traj1(.csv). 10.15129/dbfd57cf-b189-41dc-9e99-ee25d172c3c7