Data for: "Exposure to air pollution in rural Malawi: impact of cooking methods on blood pressure and peak expiratory flow."



his data set contains a Microsoft Excel file with air pollution (PM2.5) field measurements made in a rural village in Malawi in 2017. Concentrations of PM25 were measured using a RTI MicroPEM monitor.

This data supports our paper to be published in International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health and further description of the methods used in this work can be found there.
Data is provided under a created commons license (CC-BY).

Data structure
The xls file contains the date and time (end of minute) and corresponding PM2.5 concentrations measured by RTI MicroPEM instrument. All concentrations are presented in ug/m3.
Date made available12 Jul 2021
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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