Data for: "Exploring the Application of Ultrasonic Phased Arrays for Industrial Process Analysis" (Chapter 3)



This dataset contains the software relating to the "Ultrasonic Hardware Calibration Algorithm" described in Chapter 3 of the Thesis titled "Exploring the Application of Ultrasonic Phased Arrays for Industrial Process Analysis".

Five files have been uploaded:
- contains the calibration algorithm
- contains the graphical user interface associated with this program
- BP_DSL_CalibrationFRDs.bin contains the calibration data set relating to the FIToolbox Phased Array Controller coupled with phased array, both of which are proprietary of BP Chemicals Ltd.
- DSL_1790E001_CalibrationFRDs.bin contains the calibration data set relating to the FIToolbox Phased Array Controller coupled with array number 1790E001, both of which are proprietary of CUE
- Dyn_1790E001_CalibrationFRDs.bin contains the calibration data set relating to the Dynaray Phased Array Controller coupld with array number 1790E001, both of which are proprietary of CUE.

Note, the file requires access to the file if it is to be used to acquire ultrasonic data directly.

Thesis moratorium until 25/11/21
Date made available4 Dec 2019
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production27 Nov 2018

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