Data for: "Exploring the Application of Ultrasonic Phased Arrays for Industrial Process Analysis" (Chapter 4)



This dataset contains the software and data relating to non-invasive ultrasonic image construction described in Chapter 4 of the Thesis titled "Exploring the Application of Ultrasonic Phased Arrays for Industrial Process Analysis".

The following files have been uploaded:
- pLoad5MHz.flxinp is the PZFLex Finite Element model used to generate the ultrasonic data set, it must be run 32 times to acquire Full Matrix Capture
- nonInvasiveVoidResponse_simulatedFRD.bin conatins the Full Matrix Capture data output from the Finite Element model when the reflectors were included
- nonInvasiveBackgroundResponse_simulatedFRD.bin contains the Full Matrix Capture data output from the Finite Element model when no reflectors were included
- metadata.txt contains the relevant metadata required to generate ultrasonic images from the data sets uploaded.

Thesis moratorium until 25/11/21
Date made available4 Dec 2019
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production1 Apr 2018

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