Data for: "Entanglement of neutral-atom qubits with long ground-Rydberg coherence times"

  • Craig James Picken (Creator)
  • Remy LEGAIE (Creator)
  • Katie McDonnell (Creator)
  • Jonathan Pritchard (Creator)



This dataset contains all Excel data presented in the paper "Entanglement of neutral-atom qubits with long ground-Rydberg coherence times". The paper presented results of a ground-state entanglement protocol for a pair of Cs atoms separated by 6~μm, combining the Rydberg blockade mechanism with a two-photon Raman transitions to prepare the |Ψ+⟩=(|10⟩+|01⟩)/2‾√ Bell state with a loss-corrected fidelity of 0.81(5), equal to the best demonstrated fidelity for atoms trapped in optical tweezers but without the requirement for dynamically adjustable interatomic spacing.
Date made available20 Oct 2018
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production2018

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