Data For: "Enhanced fluorescence from semiconductor quantum dot-labelled cells excited at 280 nm"

  • Nicholas Hall (Creator)
  • Mollie McFarlane (Creator)
  • Gail McConnell (Supervisor)



This dataset is constituted of three sections. The first is the fluorescent data comparing 280nm and 365nm excitation wavelengths. These include two image pairs of 280nm and 365nm images of cells labelled with semiconductor quantum dots, background fluorescent images, and autofluorescence images. The second is the data logs of the mean intensities over time long periods at both excitation wavelengths to monitor photobleaching. The third and final section is the Python code to analyse these data as well as logged cell viability data (included in the script) which generates a series of figures and printouts containing pertinent information.
Date made available28 Feb 2022
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production1 Feb 2021 - 1 Jun 2021

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