Data for: "Efficient generation of relativistic near-single-cycle mid-infrared pulses in plasmas"

  • Xing-Long Zhu (Creator)
  • Zheng-Ming Sheng (Creator)



This data was produced as part of the investigation of "Efficient generation of relativistic near-single-cycle mid-infrared pulses in plasmas".

The file input.deck is the initialization file used to produce the data via fully relativistic three-dimensional (3D) particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations using the 3D PIC code EPOCH (version 4.8.3). EPOCH is the Extendable Open advanced relativistic electromagnetic PIC code.
Date made available25 Mar 2020
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data productionMar 2019 - Sept 2019

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