Data for: "Drying-induced volumetric behaviour of clays interpreted via binary pore-scale modelling"



This dataset refer to the data published in "Drying-induced volumetric behaviour of clays interpreted via binary pore-scale modelling".
This dataset reports presents an original deformable pore-network model (DPNM) to elucidate the micromechanisms controlling the complex volumetric response of clays upon drying. The main features of the DPNM are the ‘binary’ approach (pores in the clay are assumed to be either fully saturated with water or dry) and the use of independent tests to calibrate the parameters of the model (compression behaviour of saturated reconstituted clay and dry powder).
Experiemntal and numerical data are herein reported.

Data corresponding to figure: 1,2 3, 11, 12, 15 and 16. Please contact Matteo Pedrotti ([email protected]) for additional information.

The code used for the numerical analysis can be found:
Date made available10 Nov 2023
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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