Data for: "Donor-influenced structure-activity correlations in stoichiometric and catalytic reactions of lithium monoamido-monohydrido-dialkylaluminates"

  • Ross McLellan (Contributor)
  • Lara Lemmerz (Contributor)
  • Jun Okuda (Creator)
  • Neil Judge (Contributor)
  • Alan Kennedy (Contributor)
  • Samantha Alana Orr (Contributor)
  • Marina Uzelac (Contributor)
  • Eva Hevia (Contributor)
  • Stuart Robertson (Contributor)
  • Robert Mulvey (Creator)



The data set contains three files:

1. NMR data (zip file)
2. Crystallographic information file (X-ray crystallographic data)
3.CheckCIF (for X-ray crystallographic data)

Note that the NMR data in file 1 contains raw data which requires a specialist program such as Topspin or Mestrelab; and the cif file (file 3) requires a program such as Diamond or Mercury to view.

These data relate to the research reported in the manuscript "Donor-influenced structure-activity correlations in stoichiometric and catalytic reactions of lithium monoamido-monohydrido-dialkylaluminates".
The work was carried out in relation to the EPSRC grant (EP/N011384/1) (PI: Prof. Eva Hevia)
Date made available23 Apr 2018
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production2018

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