Data for: "Development of a reactive transport model for field-scale simulation of microbially induced carbonate precipitation"



Data created for preparation of the paper Development of a reactive transport model for field-scale simulation of microbially induced carbonate precipitation, submitted to Water Resources Research.

Data consists of:

1) stackValue2volScalarField.ijm
An ImageJ macro used to write any image data (2D image, image stack, virtual stack) as an OpenFOAM volume scalar field.
Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10 with the Fiji version of ImageJ ( N.B. running in Windows 10 is currently slow due to multiple opening and closing of output data file. This could be avoided by writing all data to a temporary array as it is collected, then to the output file once all data is collected. I'll get round to this at some point.

2) Fig4-fracture_animation.mp4: an animated version of Figure 4 (Section 3.2) highlighting the changes in CaCO3 and velocity distributions over time for the 4 bacterial attachment models. The animation consists of 2 frames per injection cycle: the first occurs at the end of the bacteria injection (in which there is minimal CaCO3 precipitation), the second occurs at the end of the cementation injection. Flow rate is dropped after 25 injection cycles, corresponding to 17 seconds in the animation.

3) Fig5a-X_CT_sand_CaCO3.mp4: animation X-ray CT data processed to show raw X-ray data (greyscale image), sand (yellow) and the distribution of precipitated CaCO3 (grey/white) within a 1.4x1.4x1.4mm volume.

4) Fig7a-field_scale_animation.mp4: animation of model output for Figure 7a showing the evolution of the following fields over the course of the 10 treatment cycle injection through the 8 outer wells: porosity, pressure (with velocity glyphs), bacterial attachment coefficient, permeability, urea concentration (calcium concentration is very similar), bacteria in suspension, CaCO3 precipitated, ammonium produced, bacteria attached to a surface.
Date made available7 Aug 2019
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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