The data provided here in support for the paper: ''Continuous roller transfer-printing and automated metrology of >75,000 micro-LED pixels in a single shot''.
The data attached is the following:
Angle assesment_donor before printing.mat: The file includes data for the corresponding angles of the donor QVGA pixels on their native substrate (before printing). This data was used for the rotation assesment of the non-printed devices.
Angle assesment_printed QVGA.mat: The file includes the angles of the printed QVGA pixels in the receiver substrate. The data was used for rotation assesment of the printed devices.
Correlation intensity map cropped.mat: The data of a cropped area of the correlation intensity map, representing one pixel. The data was used to plot the correlation intensity map of one pixel.
Correlation intensity map whole picture.mat: The data of the correlation intensity map of the whole sub-image.
Error-x_50x magnification_printed.mat: The error of the distances between the centers of consecutively pixels of the QVGA roll-printed device for the high resolution scans with 50x magnification (x-direction)
Error-y_50x magnification_printed.mat: The error of the distances between the centers of consecutively pixels of the QVGA roll-printed device for the high resolution scans with 50x magnification (y-direction)
Error-y_and_x_50x magnification_printed.mat: The error of the distances between the centers of consecutively pixels of the QVGA roll-printed device for the high resolution scans with 50x magnification (x and y-direction)
Heat map_yield.txt: The data used to create the heat map of the yield (divided to 10x10 sub-cells)
Mapping of the qvga_detailed numbers.xlsx: The detailed numbers of the total number of devices and the missing devices that correspond to the yield in each sub-cell.
High roughness roller profilometer.txt: The data used to plot the high-roughness roller profile.
Low roughness roller profilometer: The data used to plot the low-roughness roller profile.
Medium roughness roller profilometer: The data used to plot the medium-roughness roller profile.
Stiching accuracy_QVGA donor.tiff: High resolution stiched image of the donor QVGA (50x magnification) used to evaluate the stiching accuracy.
QVGA printed_large area.tiff: High resolution area of the stitched image of the printed QVGA (10x magnification) used for yield and accuracy assesment
Angle of rotation of the devices.mat: the angles of the rotation of the pixels of the QVGA roll-printed device
Central position of the devices.mat: the x and y coordinates of the position of the centers of the pixels of the QVGA roll-printed device
PeakValuesCorrelation_MultipleAngles.mat: Resulted peak values after the correlation process of one pixel for different rotations, used to to do the stem plot of the multiple angles correlation
Random area_1.tiff: High resolution stitched image (50x magnification) of a random area of the printed QVGA
Random area_2.tiff: High resolution stitched image (50x magnification) of a random area of the printed QVGA
Random area_3.tiff: High resolution stitched image (50x magnification) of a random area of the printed QVGA
All the above files can be opened through matlab software and origin.
[email protected]