This data set contains temperature points at known distances from a 150 mm by 150 mm heater mat. For use in detecting interlaminate delaminations within a Carbon Fibre Resin Polymer panel.
Temp Change ∘ C = The change in degrees Celsius from the starting temperature of the sample.
x_heat_dist = The distance in mm from the centre of the 150 mm by 150 mm square heater mat in the x axis.
y_heat_dist = The distance in mm from the centre of the 150 mm by 150 mm square heater mat in the y axis.
defect: If a defect is present: '0' - no defect; '1' - delamination, outer area; '2' - delamination, centre, '3' - no defect with defect between centre of heater mat and probe.
Time: time in seconds from start.