Here we present two short Fortran 90 codes which we have written to calculate the power radiated by electric and magnetic dipoles embedded in a dielectric half-space, above a more optically dense half-space. The codes use analytical expressions derived by W. Lukosz and R. E. Kunz in [1] and [2], for dipoles oriented both parallel and perpendicular to the interface between the dielectric media. We have used these codes to reproduce Fig. 4 from [1], and Fig. 5 from [2], and to test the far field expressions employed in a more detailed custom Fortran code which has been used to produce the data for our recent manuscript [3].
We include also the data files, in CSV (comma-separated value) format, that reproduce the above mentioned figures and which have been produced using the two presented codes .
Further details are given in the ReadMe.rtf file contained in the zip file.
[1] W. Lukosz and R. E. Kunz, “Light emission by magnetic and electric dipoles close to a plane dielectric interface. II. Radiation patterns of perpendicular oriented dipoles”, J. Opt. Soc. Am., Vol. 67, No. 12, pp. 1615-1619, December 1977.
[2] W. Lukosz, “Light emission by magnetic and electric dipoles close to a plane dielectric interface. III. Radiation patterns of dipoles with arbitrary orientation”, J. Opt. Soc. Am., Vol. 69, No. 11, pp. 1495-1503, November 1979.
[3] D. McArthur and F. Papoff, “Gap enhanced fluorescence as a road map for the detection of very weakly fluorescent emitters from visible to ultraviolet”, Sci. Reports, Vol 7, Article number: 14191, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14250-x, October 2017.