Data for: "Calculations of gap enhanced fluorescence via principal modes"



Here we present two short Fortran 90 codes which we have written to calculate the power radiated by electric and magnetic dipoles embedded in a dielectric half-space, above a more optically dense half-space. The codes use analytical expressions derived by W. Lukosz and R. E. Kunz in [1] and [2], for dipoles oriented both parallel and perpendicular to the interface between the dielectric media. We have used these codes to reproduce Fig. 4 from [1], and Fig. 5 from [2], and to test the far field expressions employed in a more detailed custom Fortran code which has been used to produce the data for our recent manuscript [3].

We include also the data files, in CSV (comma-separated value) format, that reproduce the above mentioned figures and which have been produced using the two presented codes .

Further details are given in the ReadMe.rtf file contained in the zip file.

[1] W. Lukosz and R. E. Kunz, “Light emission by magnetic and electric dipoles close to a plane dielectric interface. II. Radiation patterns of perpendicular oriented dipoles”, J. Opt. Soc. Am., Vol. 67, No. 12, pp. 1615-1619, December 1977.
[2] W. Lukosz, “Light emission by magnetic and electric dipoles close to a plane dielectric interface. III. Radiation patterns of dipoles with arbitrary orientation”, J. Opt. Soc. Am., Vol. 69, No. 11, pp. 1495-1503, November 1979.
[3] D. McArthur and F. Papoff, “Gap enhanced fluorescence as a road map for the detection of very weakly fluorescent emitters from visible to ultraviolet”, Sci. Reports, Vol 7, Article number: 14191, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14250-x, October 2017.
Date made available26 Apr 2018
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production8 Jan 2017 - 23 Apr 2017

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