Data for: "Bayesian Modelling and Quantification of Raman Spectroscopy"

  • Kirsten Gracie (Creator)
  • Matthew Moores (Contributor)
  • Jake Carson (Contributor)
  • Mark A. Girolami (Supervisor)
  • Duncan Graham (Supervisor)
  • Karen Faulds (Supervisor)
  • Samuel Mabbott (Other)



A new algorithm to fit spectral line shape, given TD-DFT predictions of peak locations. SERS spectra for eosin, rhodamine B, FAM and TAMRA were collected to validate the Bayesian method. The algorithm was also used for quantification of concentration studies of FAM and TAMRA.
Date made available21 Feb 2019
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production1 Sept 2015 - 30 Nov 2015

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