Data used in the publication 'Autonomous, Digital-Twin Free Path Planning and Deployment for Robotic NDT: Introducing LPAS: Locate, Plan, Approach, Scan Using Low Cost Vision Sensors'.
The data was collected within TWI Wales as part of a PhD project, seeking to increase the autonomy of the robot path planning process within NDT. The data collected is informative on: the path-generating data, the collected UT, laser, and position data during the experimental scans.
The data collected consists of:
Path Collection data (Images - colour and depth), path derived from RGB/D image (Path.txt), Corrections of path points collected in process (CorectionPoints.txt), Laser Points seen (Trilaser.txt), UT data collected (Ascan.txt), points where the Ascans are taken from (AscanP.txt)
All positional data is collected using the Universal Robots standard - position vector (metres), angle vector (radians - Lie Algebra format.). All data is withi the robot's world-frame, and so tool matrices are not included.
In addition to EPSRC, the robot and some parts used to collect this data were funded as part of an initiative known as the Advanced Engineering Materials Research Institute (AEMRI), which is funded by the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) using European Regional Development Funds (ERDF).
*Data collected from pat on industrial loan to TWI, the sponsor of this project. Access needs to be made by request via TWI.