Data for: "Assessment of [Ru(bpy)2]3+ and [Os(diars)2(bthp)]2+ for the Electrochemiluminescence Detection of Gemcitabine and Leucovorin toward Diagnostic Point-of-Care Sensors within Precision Medicine "



Data for "Assessment of [Ru(bpy)2]3+ and [Os(diars)2(bthp)]2+ for the Electrochemiluminescence Detection of Gemcitabine and Leucovorin toward Diagnostic Point-of-Care Sensors within Precision Medicine"

Includes data used for the creation of all figures within the manuscript and assigned figure captions. Figures include CV upon unmodified electrodes (figure 1), typical ECL responses for GMB and LV with ruthenium modified electrodes (figure 2), calibration curve for LV with ruthenium modified electrodes (figure 3), response of GMB with osmium complex and calibration curve (figure 4), comparison of LV signals with ruthenium and osmium complexes (figure 5) and ECL responses of GMB and LV within the human serum matrix with both the ruthenium and osmium complexes (figure 6) with intensities used to construct table 1.
Date made available14 Feb 2022
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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