Three text files providing the data used for the results of this article by Douglas & Aochi (2016). The files and contents are the following:
events.dat: hypocentral locations of the simulated earthquakes in the Marmara Sea
stations.dat: locations of the recording stations in the region
pgvs.dat: peak ground velocities from the simulated earthquakes at the various recording stations. WID=Waveform ID, EID=Earthquake ID, SID=Station ID (the ID numbers are in the order given in the stations.dat file, Mw=moment magnitude, Rhypo=hypocentral distance in km, Z=hypocentral depth of earthquake in km, Sof=style of faulting (2=strike-slip), S=site class (0=rock) and PGV=horizontal (geometric mean) peak ground velocity in m/s
See article for details of the simulations.
Date made available | 3 May 2018 |
Publisher | University of Strathclyde |
Date of data production | May 2015 - Jun 2015 |
Geographical coverage | Marmara Sea (Turkey) |