Herein is contained the raw data that underpins the paper "An investigation into the behaviour of selected boundary regime lubricants when cold forging steel under rolling-sliding conditions" that has been accepted by Tribology International.
This work was funded by Rolls-Royce Plc and Innovate UK: Aerospace Technology Institute Strategic R&D Project grant (application no. 66733-263147) titled “Manufacturing Portfolio Project 2: Manufacture of Advanced Materials.
Data is raw and as such exists in the respective "as generated" formats. The set contains press control system files and data generated from the following analysis techniques: scanning electron microscopy (FEI Quanta 650), electron probe microanalysis (Oxford Instruments), optical microscopy (Lynx EVO; Alicona InfiniteFocus G4; Leica DM12000M), micro x-ray fluorescence (Bruker M4 Tornado).