Data for: "Ambient cured fly ash geopolymer coatings for concrete"

  • Lorena BIONDI (Creator)



The data are: of samples for visual analysis
2.excel files for data taken from instruments which allowed the data to be analysed in excel (loading cell for compressive strength test, Calorimeter, Vicat needle test for setting time, crack percentages given from a MatLab scritp)
3. raw data file from the mastersizer instrument, which allows the data analysis only with the mastersizer software
4. raw data file from the XRD instrument, which allow the analysis with the Eva software
Date made available19 Jul 2019
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production3 Oct 2016 - 12 Mar 2018
  • Ambient cured fly ash geopolymer coatings for concrete

    Biondi, L., Perry, M., Vlachakis, C., Wu, Z., Hamilton, A. & McAlorum, J., 20 Mar 2019, In: Materials. 16, 6, 24 p., 923.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    65 Citations (Scopus)
    107 Downloads (Pure)

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