Data for: "Alkali Metal (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs) Mediation in Magnesium Hexamethyldisilazide [Mg(HMDS)2] Catalysed Transfer Hydrogenation of Alkenes"



This study reports successful catalytic transfer hydrogenation of alkenes with the s-block compound, magnesium bis-hexamethyldisilazide when combined with alkali metals in heterobimetallic complexes. By screening the complete Group 1 series of metals (Li-Cs), the efficiency of these catalyses gives an indication of the relative power of the synergistic effect exerted on magnesium by the alkali metal. In the absence of the alkali metal the magnesium amide is ineffective as a catalyst. This dataset is linked to the epsrc award EP/S029788/1. The zip file contains two different data files as indicated below.:

1. NMR data (zip file)
2. X-ray crystallographic information file (zip file)

Note that the NMR raw data which considers the catalytic reactions is contained in one file and requires a specialist program such as Topspin or Mestrelab to view. Similarly the CIF file of the X-ray crystallographic file requires a program such as Mercury or Diamond.
Date made available9 Mar 2021
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production20 Nov 2019 - 6 Jan 2021

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