This dataset is for the journal paper titled "Acceleration feedback control for enhancing dynamic stiffness of fast tool servo system considering the sensor imperfections". This paper established an analytical model to reveal how much positioning errors are caused by the added sensor noises and how the acceleration feedback technique changes the closed loop stiffness. The measured positioning error spectrum agrees with the modelled one with different acceleration gains.
The ka0.fig to ka4.fig data are the measured following error from the controller during cutting, in the unit of micrometre;
The psd_ka0.5.fig and the psd_ka4.fig files are the power spectrum density analysis results for different Ka gains;
The Surface_Ka_0.dat and Surface_Ka_4.dat files are the measured surface shapes by ZYGO white light interferometer.
.fig file can be opened by MATLAB and the .dat file can be opened by ZYGO software.