Data for: "A structured illumination microscopy module using two micro-electromechanical system scanning micromirrors"



The dataset contains raw image data files (in .tif format) and measurment data for MEMS mirror movements (in .csv format), detailing the underlying data for early tests of a MEMS structured illumination microscopy module

The MEMS mirror movement is in two files:
- MirrorcleMEMS.csv: This details the achieveable scan angle for input voltages for the full and reduced scan axis of the MEMS.
- MirrorcleMEMSPiston.csv: This contains the piston movement available in the modified MEMS mirror package.

The raw images are in three files:
- BFP_Laser_Composite.tif: Contains three tif pages with each containing the beam position of the laser in the BFP of the microscope objective for one of the three angle orientations required for SIM.
- Cell_Image_AngleAdjust_Composite.tif: Contains three tif pages with each showing an example image of a BPAE test cell slide with different orientation of the grating pattern illuminating the sample.
- Cell_Image_PhaseAdjust_Composite.tif: Contains three tif pages with each showing and example image of a BPAE test cell slide with different phase steps of one orientation for the excitation grating.

The excitation source for the raw images was using a 532nm laser.
Date made available6 Jun 2023
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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