Data for: "22.3 kHz update rate Lissajous scanning using a single double resonant MEMS scanner"



The dataset contains raw data and a simulation script for the demonstration of a fast 2D Lissajous scanning MEMS mirror.

Raw files are in .csv file format and consist of Oscilloscope data recordings from vibrometer measeurements of the dynamic performance of the MEMS mirror used for this study.
The vibrometer used for measurements was a single-point microscope coupled laser doppler vibrometer (Polytec OFV 072, with OFV 512 interferometer and OFV 3001 controller), with measurements taken at the edge of the MEMS mirror (with diameter of 0.2mm)

The vibrometer readout is showing velocity, with settings of 1000mm/s/V.
The raw data from the Oscilloscope consist of three rows:
- Row 1: Actuation frequency (Hz)
- Row 2: Measured peak output voltage of the vibrometer (converted from velocity to voltage using setting above)
- Row 3: Empty oscilloscope channel

The simulation script was written in Matlab 2019b and contains the visualisation of the MEMS scan with actuating both resonance axes.
Frequency parameters and amplitudes can be set to match the tuning ranges available. It also includes calculations of available frequency tuning ranges and greatest common divisors needed for the calculation of Lissajous parameters.
Date made available6 Jun 2023
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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