Data for: "1-Alkali-metal-2-alkyl-1,2-dihydropyridines: soluble hydride surrogates for catalytic dehydrogenative coupling and hydroboration applications"



The data set contains four files.

1. Synthetic procedures
2. NMR data (zip file)
3. Crystallographic information file (X-ray crystallographic data)
4. CIFcheck (for X-ray crystallographic data)

Note that the NMR data in file 2 contains raw data which requires a specialist program such as Topspin or Mestrelab; and the cif file (file 3) requires a program such as Diamond or Mercury to view.

These data relate to the research reported in the manuscript "1-Alkali-metal-2-alkyl-1,2-dihydropyridines: soluble hydride surrogates for catalytic dehydrogenative coupling and hydroboration applications".

The work was carried out in relation to EPSRC grant EP/L027313/1 -
Activated Anionic Aluminium For Synthetic Design, Catalytic and Energy Storage Applications (PI: Dr Stuart D Robertson)

A temporary embargo has been placed on access to the dataset pending publication.
Date made available14 Oct 2017
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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