Data and Code for the EEM2020 Wind Power Forecasting Competition

  • Jethro Browell (Creator)
  • Ciaran Gilbert (Creator)
  • Rosemary Tawn (Creator)
  • Leo May (Creator)



The competition data and code used by Team 12 to come second in the 2020 European Energy Market Conference Wind Power Forecasting Competition.

The competition was organized and hosted by the EEM20 organizing team at KTH. The organizers thank Greenlytics for archiving the data for the competition. The weather data used for the competition has been acquired from and the organizers acknowledge MET Norway for making it available.

EEMwind2020_1.tar.gz is an R package containing the source code and data generated by Team 12. It may be installed from source using this file. and contain the competition data. Weather forecasts are in netCDF format. Power and wind farm data are in csv files.

EEM2020data should be placed in the same folder as the EEMwind2020 R package and the subfolders in *data2 should be moved to *data in order to run the scripts.
Date made available2 Jul 2020
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Temporal coverage1 Jan 2000 - 31 Dec 2001
Date of data productionApr 2020 - Jun 2020
Geographical coverageSweden
  • Quantile combination for the EEM Wind Power Forecasting Competition

    Browell, J., Gilbert, C., Tawn, R. & May, L., 13 Oct 2020, 2020 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM). Piscataway, NJ.: IEEE, 6 p. 9221942

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book

    Open Access
    4 Citations (Scopus)
    81 Downloads (Pure)

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