Code and data repository for Morphological tessellation as a way of partitioning space: Improving consistency in urban morphology at the plot scale.
This repository contains all data and Python code used wihtin the research. Few minor steps were done in QGIS 3 and ArcMap 10.6, some figures were post-processed in Adobe Illustrator. Geospatial data layers are in the final version containing all relevant attrubutes.
Python code is stored wihtin Jupyter notebooks. For the accessibility purposes, contents of notebooks were also exported into executable scripts and PDF. Data folder contains geospatial data of buildings, street network and morphological tessellattion (in all versions) of Zurich, Switzerland. Moreover, all data resulting from analysis described in the paper are stored in CSV.
Note: notebooks has been cleaned and released retroactively. It is likely that different versions of packages were initially used, but we made sure that the results remained unaltered.
Date made available | 30 Mar 2020 |
Publisher | University of Strathclyde |
Date of data production | 2019 |
Geographical coverage | Zurich, Switzerland |