Cumulative Revelations in Personal Data Study 1



Data collected in respect of EPSRC Cumulative Revelations in Personal Data EP/R033889/1

This project was a major EPSRC funded study that sought to better understand the revelations that arise when pieces from an individual’s personal information available online are connected over time and across multiple platforms. Such more complete digital traces can give unintended insights into their life and opinions.

Extensive fieldwork included an interview study (Study 1) with UK employees regarding their experiences of cumulative revelation of their data. We examined the risks and harms to individuals and employers when others joined the dots between their online information. Interviews employed a "digital narrative" technique where participants were asked to make drawings of their information and communication networks, the types of information shared and details of to whom it was available or visible.

Study 1 was conducted online in the period May 2020-August 2020 when much of the UK was in lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Interviews included questions addressing changes to information sharing behaviour occurring during lockdown conditions.

The dataset contains:

• Transcripts of 26 interviews with the Uk public

• Photographic images of drawings created by participants during the interviews

• Data from a technology survey completed by participants at the start of each interview regarding their use of devices, information channels and data storage
Date made available12 Mar 2024
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production1 May 2020 - 30 Aug 2020

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