Computer-Supported Collaborative Design Statements Study 1



The aim of this investigation is to collect the opinions of experts on 19 Computer-Supported Collaborative Design (CSCD) statements. The statements were created from 220 findings in the literature. This survey will clarify any problems with the created statements and inform the researcher on how best to change them to reach a consensus in the research field. The survey was sent to 87 academics involved in the field of CSCD as identified in the literature and networking. 25 responses were collected, a ~32% response rate. Participants were asked to read a CSCD statement and answer questions on whether they agreed with the statement.
This was done for all 19 statements.
Date made available7 Sept 2017
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production18 Jul 2017 - 7 Aug 2017

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