Codebase for thesis: “Digital Technologies for Contrast and Colour Vision Testing”

  • Guillermo Vivas-Mateos (Creator)
  • Sarah Boswell (Creator)
  • Jamie Thomson (Creator)
  • Mario Ettore Giardini (Supervisor)
  • Jonathan Delafield-Butt (Supervisor)
  • Iain A.T. Livingstone (Supervisor)



This dataset contains the code developed and tested in chapters 4 and 5 of the thesis “Digital Technologies for Contrast and Colour Vision Testing”.

The database contains 2 sets of code:

- One folder contains the code for contrast sensitivity testing used in chapter 4. This folder, in turn, contains three subfolders containing the code for the three modalities: letter chart on the computer screen, moving dot on the computer screen, and moving dot in the VR environment.
- One folder contains the code for red desaturation testing used in chapter 5.

Inside each folder, there are additional README files with additional information.

The code was generated using Visual Studio 2017 and 2019 and Unreal Engine 4.21. The code generated in Unreal Engine is virtual reality code, hence a virtual reality headset is necessary for it to work. Note that the dataset does not include the libraries used in the code, which are described within each README file and downloadable form the internet. The codes are in different formats due to being created in different languages and environments: two of the codes developed in Visual Studio are in Visual Basic language, and the files are in .vb, .Designer.vb, and .resx format. The other code developed in Visual Studio is in C++ language, and the files are in .cpp and .h format. Additional files necessary for the code to function are included: these are text files, images, and videos in .txt, .jpg, .bmp., and .avi format.

Embargo end date 20/10/24
Embargo end date extended until 20/10/27
Date made available20 Oct 2023
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production2018 - 2022
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    Vivas-Mateos, G., Boswell, S., Livingstone, I. A. T., Delafield-Butt, J. & Giardini, M. E., 27 Aug 2020, 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, p. 6054-6057 4 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book

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    5 Citations (Scopus)
    140 Downloads (Pure)

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