The work carried out in this paper investigated the effect of a ring cavity on frequency up-conversion via four wave mixing in a rubidium vapour. The main findings were that the ring cavity significantly increased the output power and dramatically narrowed the linewidth of the 420 nm light generated in this process.
The effect of the ring cavity on blue output power was demonstrated by comparing the output power as a function of 776 nm detuning for both single pass and cavity enhanced four wave mixing. The output power was monitored on a photodiode and the resulting traces recorded as csv files. The files labelled Fig2_a to Fig2_f contain the results of this measurement under different experimental conditions, these results are displayed figure 2 parts a) to f) in the related publication respectively.
The effect of the ring cavity on the linewidth of the generated blue light was investigated by beating the blue light against a 420 nm ECDL. The beat notes, both for a single pass and with the cavity, were recorded on a spectrum analyser and the traces recorded as csv files. The files labelled Fig3_a to Fig3_d contain the results of this measurement for different cell temperatures, and correspond the data displayed in figure 3 parts a) to d) in the related publication respectively.
A total of 10 csv files are included in the dataset.
This folder contains the data reported in the paper:
"Cavity-enhanced frequency up-conversion in rubidium vapour"
R. F. Offer, J. W. C. Conway, E. Riis, S. Franke-Arnold, A. S. Arnold
Optics Letters