Analysis of hydrogenated materials at high pressure using Neutron powder diffraction.

  • Iain Oswald (Creator)
  • Andrew Urquhart (Contributor)
  • C. Bull (Contributor)
  • Ian Hutchison (Data Collector)
  • Simon Parsons (Contributor)
  • William G. Marshall (Contributor)



The data herein is the Neutron Time-of-flight data collected at ISIS Neutron and Muon Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, UK. The data files have been sorted into the tonne load applied at each data point. The metadata can be found in Oswald-RB1510085.xls. Alongside this is a 12tns_refine_GO.inp file that contains the relevant information for the Time-of-flight characteristics of the Pearl beamline for entry into TOPAS academic. The entries with *tof*.dat are in time of flight and the *d*.dat are d-spacings.
Date made available28 Mar 2017
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production29 Jun 2015 - 5 Jul 2015

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