Amikacin data for population pharmacokinetic modelling

  • Alison Thomson (Creator)
  • Fiona Robb (Creator)
  • Hinke Siebinga (Creator)



Anonymised patient data extracted from routine clinical files between January 2002 and February 2018. Data were extracted by Fiona Robb (NHS antimicrobial pharmacist) and collated by Hinke Siebinga (student) and Alison Thomson (Senior Lecturer)

As the data were generated in the course of routine clinical practice and fully anonymized, the study was judged by the NHS as a service evaluation for which patient consent and formal ethics approval were not required. Caldicott Guardian approval was obtained for data extraction.

The data file is an Excel spreadsheet formatted for population pharmacokinetic analysis containing amikacin doses, rates and times of administration
Date made available29 Sept 2021
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production2002 - 2018

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