Age-matched healthy control data of activities of daily living captured in the CRF



14 older healthy individuals data captured on MotionSense, Vicon and Video in the CRF. They completed a variety of ADLs. These participants are age-matched to a total-knee replacement patient population.

1. MotionSense (Measures include knee angle)
2. Vicon (kinematic and Kinetic data captured)
3. Video data (all activities have been filmed to aid in the understanding of the data captured through the various sensors)

The dataset contains data collected by a commercially available sensor that measures knee angle. The motionsense data is stored in an excel file. Vicon data is recorded which contains different kinematic and kinetic data and this is stored in a excel file.

The data was collected on both Vicon and the commercial device to compare how well the commercial motionsense sensor performs against Vicon which is considered to be the gold standard. Video data was collected to be used to understand significant deviations in data.

The data collected shows a variety of ADLs and an Outdoor walk completed by all 14 older participants.
Date made available4 Mar 2024
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde

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