A 2018 UK SAM with households disaggregated by income



This is a 2018 UK Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) where the households have been disaggregated into quintiles based on the households' gross income. This SAM incorporates the latest 2018 input-output tables published by the Office for National Statistics, with the sectors being aggregated into 34 broader sectors. The households have been disaggregated using information from the Living Cost and Food survey. This SAM is relevant for projects looking to identify not only the economy-wide impacts of shocks to the UK economy, but also explore how households of different income are impacted. Moreover, it allows the exploration of shocks to specific household quintiles and how these could affect the wider economy.
Date made available27 Feb 2023
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Date of data production1 Dec 2022

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