University of Sao Paulo

    Activity: Visiting an external institution typesVisiting an external academic institution


    I was invited as a Visiting Researcher to São Paulo University for the British Council - Newton Fund Researcher Links Workshop on "Enhancing relevance and impact in Brazil for research in green technology management and Product-Service Systems". I have delivered a research seminar and attended collaborative research workshops in the area of product-service systems and servitization.

    Fully funded by British Council. The main objectives of the workshops and seminars are:•To share successful experiences of business engagement on green technologies & product-service systems (PSS);•To share successful experiences of research excellence (e.g. funding, and publication) on green technologies & PSS;•To share successful experiences of using research into teaching on green technologies & PSS;•To create the Brazilian Centre for Servitization to support relevant and excellent research in both green technology management and PSS.
    Period14 Mar 201617 Mar 2016
    VisitingUniversity of Sao Paulo