Umbrales y dinteles: el papel de lo liminal en el pensamiento de María Zambrano

  • Beatriz Caballero Rodriguez (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


The reference to liminal spaces, such as the threshold and the lintel, is recurrent in María Zambrano's thought during the 1950s and constitutes a symbol of her evaluation of the socio-political and philosophical situation experienced by the West during those years. Both the threshold and the lintel refer us to an intermediate architectural framework between here and there, to a place of transition between one side and the other; they are spaces to which this Spanish thinker frequently turns for their symbolic value.

The purpose of this paper is to argue that the presence of liminal symbols such as threshold and lintel, but also horizon, dawn, glimpse and dream, mark Zambrano's language, since the writer repeatedly uses them as spatial, temporal and experiential metaphors to emphasize the value of the process, the transition and the transformation, in contrast with the absolutism of the final, definitive and totalizing result to which rationalism aspires. Taking as a starting point the thought of Arnold Van Gennep, who coined the term liminality (1909), the objective of this communication is to offer a hermeneutic key for the analysis of these and other vertebrate concepts within the political and philosophical thought of this author, such as exile and exile, as well as individual and person.
Period10 Apr 201912 Apr 2019
Event titleVI Congreso Internacional Sobre María Zambrano "Ciudadanía Y Democracia
Event typeConference
LocationMálaga, SpainShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • María Zambrano
  • Liminality
  • Spanish Philosophy