TLC Network: Voice, Autonomy and Utopian Desire in Participatory Filmmaking with Young Refugees.

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


This presentation reflects on the moral dimension of a participatory film-making project with refugee young people who wanted to make a film to support other new young arrivals in the process of making home in Scotland. In the first part, I highlight some of the challenges of collaborating with refugee young people, in light of the often-de-humanizing representations of refugees in mainstream media and the danger of the triple conflation of authenticity–voice–pain in academic narratives about refugees. In the second part, I show how honouring young people’s desire to convey the hopeful aspects of making home emerged as a key pedagogical strategy to affirm their expert position and encourage their participation in the project.
Event titleTLC Network: Voice, Autonomy and Utopian Desire in Participatory Filmmaking with Young Refugees.
Event typeSeminar
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Voice
  • Autonomy
  • Participatory Film Making
  • Young People
  • Refugees