SPIRAL - Writers Retreat

  • Quanren Zeng (Participant)

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in workshop, seminar, course


The Writers' Retreat supports participants wishing to make significant progress on writing projects by allowing sufficient time to immerse themselves in the writing activity and to benefit from peer support. The Writers' Retreat is largely unstructured and provides participants with protected time and space in which to focus on meeting writing objectives, encouraging time-on-task and providing a means of gauging progress. When possible, participants will be put in disciplinary groups to provide greater relevance to their discussions and to establish more targeted deliverables. At the end of the retreat, writers will have the opportunity to submit their work to their respective Vice Deans for individualised feedback. Staff are encouraged to attend for the full period; however, it will be possible to attend to other commitments during this time if absolutely necessary. Delivered By: Organisational and Staff Development Unit
Period14 Dec 201518 Dec 2015
Event typeOther
LocationGlasgow, United KingdomShow on map